5 Ways to Boost Your Zheng Qi
What is Zheng Qi? What is Zheng Qi? You may have seen it on our social media posts or from the label on our Immu-A-TEA™ bottles. We talk about this subject frequently here at Si Jin Bao. Zheng Qi means “upright” qi in Chinese. It is the body’s ability to resist disease and exogenous pathogens. […]
China’s King of Medicine
孫思邈 Sun Simiao, China’s King of Medicine 孫思邈 Sun Simiao was a famous Doctor and author who lived during the Sui and Tang dynasties. He wrote two major works on medical practice and one on Daoist longevity prescriptions. Born in 581 A.D., his contribution to Chinese Medicine was so significant that he was honored with […]
What are Concentrated Decoctions?
Decoctions are derived from a unique process of extracting herbs to create a more potent and easily assimilated form. The net result is a liquid and/or cream that can be used topically or taken as a tea. In China, OVER 80% of all herbs are processed by patients into decoctions. However, in the West many patients […]
Our History
Steeped in Tradition For over two decades Si Jin Bao has been dedicated to providing premium Chinese Herbaceuticals to homes and practices all across the globe. Our story begins with founder and Chief Herbaceutical Engineer Kamal Polite, A.P. DOM, or ‘Dr. Kamal’ as his patients called him. At the beginning of his career as an […]
A Tale of Two Physicians
Thousands of years ago during the 戰國時代 Warring States Period (475-221 BC), a young man named 秦越人Qin Yueren lived in the land of 秦 Qin, now known as China. One day a guest at the inn in which 秦越人 Qin Yueren worked fell gravely ill. 秦 Qin ran to find a physician who was […]
Breathe Again Concentrated Decoction™ – 25+ Years of Chinese Herbaceuticals
Breathe Again – 19+ Years of healing respiratory conditions through Chinese Herbaceuticals
屠蘇酒 Tusu Wine & The New Year
Over two-thousand years ago during the 漢朝 Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), the Typhoid plague spread rampantly. There was widespread starvation and grief. 曹植 Cao Zhi, a poet at the time, said the following: “Every family is pained with a corpse, every room has anguished cries.” It is said that on New Year’s […]