8 Reasons Why People Love Si Jin Bao

8 Reasons Why People Love Si Jin Bao Here’s why health conscious people are trying and sticking with Si Jin Bao Herbal formulas. 1. They’re Designed By a Physician Si Jin Bao herbaceuticals are designed and crafted by a Physician and Herbaceutical Engineer with 26+ years of clinical experience. In fact, he is widely known […]
Bao Gu: The Immortal Lady Bao

Bao Gu: The Immortal Lady Bao Bao Gu lived during the 晉朝 Jin Dynasty (266 – 420 A.D.) and is celebrated as one of the four most influential female physicians of ancient China. Bao Gu’s name is among giants such as Yi Shuo, who was the first female Imperial Physician for the Empress of the […]
The Legacy of Zhang Yuansu

张亓素 Zhang Yuansu’s Origin Story 张亓素Zhang Yuansu was born in Yi Shui, Hebei Province in the 金朝 Jin Dynasty (1115–1234 A.D.). When he was just 8 years old, 张亓素Zhang Yuansu passed an imperial exam for children. However, Zhang failed to pass the imperial examination for scholars based on Confucian classics at the age of 27 […]
Tao Hongjing: Grand Councilor of the Mountains

陶弘景 Tao Hongjing: Grand Councilor of the Mountains 陶弘景 Tao Hongjing was born near the southern imperial capital of Jiankang (modern day Nanjing) in the year 456 and lived during the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China (420 – 589). 陶弘景 Tao Hongjing was an extraordinary human being who excelled in everything he set his […]
The Journey of Jian Zhen

The Journey of 鑒真 Jianzhen Traditional Japanese Medicine originated from Traditional Chinese Medicine and was first introduced to Japan directly from the mainland of China. One of the first men who brought Traditional Chinese Medicine to Japan was 鑒真 Jianzhen. 鑒真 Jianzhen was not proficient in medicine only. As a matter of fact, he is […]
The Five Great Tigers

The Year of the Water Tiger 新年 Xīnnián, the Chinese New Year, also known as 春节 Chūn Jié, is the most important festival of the year for China with epic celebrations. It is a 16 day event starting on New Years Eve and ending on the lantern festival. 新年 Xīnnián dates back over 3,000 years, […]
Hua Tuo: The Father of Surgery and Anesthesia

華佗 Hua Tuo: The Father of Surgery and Anesthesia Ancient China has had many highly skilled and humble physicians as well as herbalists born onto its land. We honor those who have preceded us in this lineage by highlighting them in our Famous Ancient Physicians Series. Today we will be talking about 華佗Hua Tuo’s profound […]
Back to School and Autumn with Immun-A-Tea™

Back to School and Autumn with Immun-A-Tea™ In many parts of the Western Hemisphere it is “Back to School” time. If you follow the Ancient Chinese calendar you will also know that the solar term 立秋Lì Qiū, translated as “autumn begins” has just commenced and is a transitional period of the year marking the change […]
Breathe Again Concentrated Decoction™ – 25+ Years of Chinese Herbaceuticals

Breathe Again – 19+ Years of healing respiratory conditions through Chinese Herbaceuticals