8 Reasons Why People Love Si Jin Bao

8 Reasons Why People Love Si Jin Bao Here’s why health conscious people are trying and sticking with Si Jin Bao Herbal formulas. 1. They’re Designed By a Physician Si Jin Bao herbaceuticals are designed and crafted by a Physician and Herbaceutical Engineer with 26+ years of clinical experience. In fact, he is widely known […]
Hua Tuo: The Father of Surgery and Anesthesia

華佗 Hua Tuo: The Father of Surgery and Anesthesia Ancient China has had many highly skilled and humble physicians as well as herbalists born onto its land. We honor those who have preceded us in this lineage by highlighting them in our Famous Ancient Physicians Series. Today we will be talking about 華佗Hua Tuo’s profound […]